Over +300 terms and definitions...
Hotel Revenue Management, Asset Management, Finance and Sales & Digital Marketing,

Ancillary Contribution
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
A contribution other than from the sale of the room itself.
Break-even rate
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
In the hotel industry, the room rate at which room revenue equals the cost of selling the room.
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
In revenue management of groups, a number of rooms, calculated as group demand
plus regular demand minus capacity.
Group forecasting
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
The use of booking data by the hotel to estimate how many group block rooms will be
booked, and when.
Group segment mix
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
The proportions of the different group segments that comprise the total group business
for the hotel. In general, these segments receive different rates.
Inventory Wash (Groups)
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
Related to group utilization or materialization, the fraction of the group block that the
group does not utilize
Last room availability clause
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
A contract clause indicating that the contracted rate is available as long as rooms of any type are available.
Logistic regression
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
A statistical technique that measures the relationship between two variables using an Scurve.
Multinomial logistic regression
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
A form of regression in which the outcome can have three or more possible values.
Multiplicative forecast
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
A forecast that use percentages based on historic group behavior to determine current demand.
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
The practice of accepting reservations beyond capacity to compensate for cancellations and no-shows. The practice of reserving the same room at the same time to two different customers in order to compensate for no-shows.
Overbooking is an essential element of revenue management.
Rate class
Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
A price established in accordance with the hotel’s standard set of non-negotiated prices.